Celena Nicole

4 years ago

Please avoid this hospital.

Please avoid this hospital.
I ve had two bad experiences here, and have heard stories of countless others.
I adopted a rescue who was hit by a car and REACH performed surgery on her broken leg. I picked her up from reach and was just a foster before I chose to adopt. We had to bring her back to reach for a check up on that broken leg to make sure it s healing correctly. We brought her in at 7:30AM and were told we d be called at noon to come back and pick her up. 3pm rolled around and we still haven t received a call so I called and the receptionist acted clueless and said she d get the dr to call me back. 5:30 rolled around with no call so my boyfriend called and that s when they told us we could come get her, 5 hours past when we were told she d be ready. This wasn t even the worse experience.
My other dog was having diarrhea issues for a few days and then started vomiting so I brought her to our vet. He sent us home with stuff to settle her stomach, but as soon as we got home she start puking up blood. We called my vet and he said to take her to REACH to get xrays done to make sure everything is okay inside. We called ahead hoping they d be ready since so much blood was coming out. We waited a hour (in which my poor pup the whole time was vomiting blood everywhere) before we were helped. In total, we spent 7 hours there that day, had a $900 bill, ran every test possible for them to tell us her stomach is enlarged but they don t know why. They tried to keep her over night but after reading other reviews on how the overnight stay fee is way high and how they treat the animals, we refused and brought her home and asked them to send the xrays to our normal vet. My normal vet called to tell us there s no reason she should ve stayed over night, and the radiographs obviously showed no actual problems, and just over the phone he told us it must ve just been something she ate. (When we first came in we alerted REACH that she got into some human food prior). So, basically a bad stomach ache outed us a full day and $900.
There are much cheaper and less scamming vet hospitals, please avoid this place unless it s the only possible way.
Also they kept our pup in the back and wouldn t let us even see her until we had paid.


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