Dennis Dudley

3 years ago

Are you kidding when you describe the property kno...

Are you kidding when you describe the property know as the New Foxcroft?
We had the displeasure of going up there with the intention of visiting family.
Since we had never been there before, I looked it up on the web. The website prtrayed a beautifully laid out complex with plenty of amenities and great management.
What we saw was in my nicest terms "f$%&^%$# deplorable.
Big sign in the front said "New Foxcroft" If that is new, I would hate to see what the old one looked like.
Potholes galore, (I know the winter was rough, but you being that far up northshould be prepared for it).
Overall appearance of the grounds was just short of a small slum with trash all over the place, and vacant lots completely unkempt, along with a lot of the rest of the property. It looks like there hasn't been a garbage pick up in a while.
Any chance in the near future of you folks making the location something to be proud of? If not, then it looks like you are guilty of false advertising.

(This is based on my visit on May 4th 2014, hopefully a lot has changed since then.


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