Watch Yourback

3 years ago

They currently don't have a very effective student...

They currently don't have a very effective student complaint handling system. Complaints handled by faculty, Student Services and Student Experience departments are often one-sided, advantageous to staff, and women.
Complaints made against a staff member won't be taken very seriously as staff would simply be defended by the management hierarchy. Complaints made by female students are often given better priority-- males accused of wrong doing won't be treated fairlyy, as the females making allegations are believed better.

A feminist college. Though Melbourne Polytechnic opens its doors to all genders, there seems to be preference for female leadership. Apart from the fact that females are given better preference in resolving a complaint they are also awarded and some are asked to teach at the college! These individuals are usually featured in the student newsletter, brochures, and on the website. I have never encountered a male student being featured for excellence, being awarded or asked to teach. It has been traditionally like this since Melbourne Polytechnic was known as NMIT. Its better off being funded as a women's college than as a co-educational college as presenting itself as a co-educational college is nothing but a sham.

There have been 4 CEOs in the last 3 years which shows a great deal of instability. Constantly changing CEOs is always a bad sign. Either the CEO doesn't know how to solve an issue because there aren't good or any procedures that work, doesn't care, or simply doesn't want to fix problems. Leadership attitudes often send messages to lower level management and faculty in how subordinates and students would be treated-- not all subordinates and students would be taken seriously but they would also be treated with disrespect. The government shouldn't be funding colleges that do not take student concerns seriously.

They changed their corporate image and website design but kept existing negligent and disrespectful staff who have been creating problems for students. Some of these employees have been there for more than 20 years.

Teaching standards aren't very consistent-- there are great teachers but there are also horrible teachers in the same program. Program managers/leads won't put a new teacher on to replace a bad teacher but keep the bad teacher on the teaching roster to the detriment of future students. They hire industry professionals to teach simply because they are industry professionals regardless whether they are excellent teachers. Areas of serious teaching and program management concerns are Creative Arts Department: ie. Visual Arts, Graphic Arts, Photography, Live Production-- programs that do not have patience with their students.
Students from these courses have been known to complain and tell others about their very bad experiences that are still unresolved.

A , "Them versus us", attitude towards students. The college faculty and management appears to be believing in a brother in arms reality and living in a war against the student body, who are relentlessly attacking them with issues and complaints. The faculty and management view students who bring up issues and make valid complaints as "the enemy" which must be eradicated immediately, by applying adverse disciplinary action. An example of this is deliberately making false assumptions on a targetted student for an excuse to impose a ban on the student from speaking to staff and other students, entering all campuses and to continuing studies. Faculty allegations will simply be backed up by management, Student Services and Student Experience departments.

Lastly, they do not have staff disciplinary procedures but only student disciplinary procedures-- meaning, they do not discipline misbehaving staff but only students for alleged misconduct.

I've noticed quite a few bad reviews posted here. I'm not surprised at them. In fact I believe all of them.

I seriously wouldn't recommend enrolling in any program. I wouldn't change my post until they resolve my issue. The government should close this college down.


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