Thomas John Kenny
Review of NUI Galway

4 years ago

I was in Galway between 1996 and 2000. The college...

I was in Galway between 1996 and 2000. The college seemed to be in a transition from the old UCG to the newly branded NUI, Galway.

My experience of college in Galway was a mixed bag. I wasn't too keen on it in my first year and took a year out.

After the experience of working in the 'real world' my grades improved when I returned. I also went to the States for a semester in my final year.

Tbh, I felt I was a bit of a loner in college until my final year. In terms of the social side though, for me I particularly enjoyed the PDS (Political Discussion Society) and Lit n Deb (Literary and debating society). I listened to some of the best orators I have ever heard since speak at some of these meetings. I didnt say much though, contributing only a handful of times. I preferred to listen.

It was the time of the Good Friday agreement. Political leaders from all sides came down and spoke regularly at these meetings. Martin McGuinness got a big audience. In fairness the students didn't give them (the politicians) an easy time but there was something refreshing and respectful about the debates and discussions. The speakers would speak and there would be a questions and answers session after.

The course I took was Commerce. In my final semester I completed a minor in human resouce management and marketing.

I did well in my degree. I received a first and came in the top 1% out of the 300 or so who were doing the course. Though I certainly felt I wasn't smarter than the other students on the course in terms of effort or quickly grasping academic concepts - I knew how to use a computer and the Internet.

As an example, I got the highest in my class in my promotions management course. My understanding of the academic game to get by at the time was learning off information in books and notes. Find out what the lecturer was looking for or put emphasis on and regurgitate it. That got most people a B or 2.1

I did the same but took the keywords from notes/tips and did an Internet search on them - found current examples, committed it to memory and put it into my paper - something other students were not yet doing. If I was doing commerce a couple of years earlier I don't think I would have done as well but again I was lucky I could use a computer and I was lucky the Internet was just growing and I knew how to use it.

I also got credit for working on business plan for an Irish pub in Galway called 'An Dilleog'. It was a three story super-pub off Eyre Square. Super pubs were in fashion at the time. Fortunately, one of my colleagues on the project had a family member who was an accountant. I drew on their experience with regards to the numbers side of the business plan. I think I worked well as part of the team and I think that's what I got the most out of NUI, Galway.

The idea of collaboration and working together to achieve something.


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