Soto Josephj

3 years ago

The hospital if admitted is great as are the Docto...

The hospital if admitted is great as are the Doctor's that I have are all associated with this Hospital. The wait time is dreadful though if you go to ER. I was planning on leaving and had my ride come pick me up. I informed the nurse that I was leaving due to the fact that I am diabetic and haven't had anything to eat or drink. She informed me that they had many emergencies and had to attend to those cases first. 5 people in the waiting room all came in for viral infections after me and have been called in before me. I am a patient person but this is ridiculous, it's been 6 hours and as I am writing this. As I still have not been called in. I saw the waiting room get full to empty to full and now there is 7 people in here . This is not a way to run an efficient emergency room, I am appalled by the lack of concern or consideration I have seen.

Updated 09/14/2018 As I continued to wait there were only 7 patients left in the waiting room. It is 8 PM and I had been there since 1 PM and finally two nurses came out with list of papers (HOPE). The first one called 3 names in which none were there guess they left before this moron here. The second nurse called a list of 4 names and only one came forward as one was already brought in great sharing of information. After that I proceeded to the exit. I called my room mate to pick me up as I started to walk down to meet her on her drive to the hospital. I was feeling tightness in my chest and dizzy. As we meet up, I asked if she could take me to Urgent Care of Roseville for Medical attention. I was at that facility at 8:30 PM and by 9:00 pm I had x-rays taken, swab and a Breathing treatment. I have been diagnosed with pneumonia. I was given a steroid and an antibiotic. The Doctor did tell me to watch my blood sugar count because of the steroids that can increase it to dangerous levels if so stop the medication. If within a few days my symptoms does not improve a hospital stay may be required for IV and Breathing treatments. I am at a Catch 22 at that point. I do like the hospital, do not like the ER, Love the Doctors and Nurses as well. It is the organizational problems at the ER that is problem-ism. I would never had written such a negative review but this has happened to me 3 times already. The First time was when I was having difficulties with my breathing. I had been there at 8 PM and didn't get called in until 2 AM. I was then admitted to the Hospital at 4 AM for observation. I was told I would be moved at 6AM which did not happen until 11 AM. Then was told I would not be able to have anything to eat or drink because they might want to run some tests. Hours went by with no update until I asked then was told that the tests will be done the next day. I did end up getting a diagnosis of a minor blockage and had to schedule a surgery for a stent. The 2nd time was with fast track, I had a pop happen in my knee another long wait this time 3 1/2 hours. Get called in and my friend that took me in was getting upset due to the fact we waited another hour before seeing a Doctor. He did examine my knee and since there was no swelling or any discolor told me to take it easy, apply hot and cold packs and Tylenol for the pain. After that consultation I sought a 2nd opinion and spoke to my regular Doctor and he sent me to a orthopedic surgeon who gave me an MRI and saw a meniscus tear in the knee. I was then given a cortisone shot for the pain and to relieve the stress of the area. He is unable to give me surgery so close to having two minor surgeries. I will be having an operation in the upcoming weeks after I get the approval from my cardiologist.

In Closing I would recommend Cardiologist, Gastroenterologists, Hand, Surgery Doctors that are associated with this Hospital. They have a great surgical facility and caring staff. I just wish the ER was as equal to the rest of the Facility. I would really hate to go elsewhere just because of the ER Services. In my situation with 3 stents and still problems with blood pressure any wait is a long time when experiencing chest pain.


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