
3 years ago

When I moved out of Glen Lennox (owned by Grubb Pr...

When I moved out of Glen Lennox (owned by Grubb Properties), I was the kind of tenant that would've wanted leave a great review.

What I didn't know at the time, was that a leasing agent at Glen Lennox had failed to inform me that I needed to sign another document ending the lease--even though I handed my keys to this agent in person, asked him if I needed to do anything else, was told the process was completed--even though neither myself nor my guarantor were ever contacted by phone or email to communicate that there was ANY issue, Glen Lennox processed my departure as an eviction. An eviction that now appears on a background check.

An eviction that, again, was processed on an apartment I had vacated under good terms, had handed over the keys to, and processed by people who have my and my cosigner's phone, email, and address information but whom failed to contact either of us at any point.

Not only does Glen Lennox/Grubb Properties refuse to acknowledge this mistake, they refuse to respond to inquiries from other real estate brokers attempting to verify my (perfect, paid-in-full, 3-year) rental history with them. They also do not return phone calls attempting to resolve the issue.

To put it as simply as I can, I believe the only explanation is that the staff at Glen Lennox must be entirely incompetent. I would not rent a cardboard box from them, or their parent company Grubb Properties.

**Edit**: Since I can't directly reply to the owner, I will respond here...

It bewilders me that your company is adamant that evicting someone who no longer lives in the residence, who is a phone call away, with no notice, no attempts and contacting them or the cosigner...is either legal or morally defensible. Since you may only care about the former, I'd like you to consider that North Carolina law (and in fact, all state laws) require a tenant to be serviced with either an eviction notice, or an unconditional quit notice. I wasn't even served with an email or a phone call.


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