Burnt Toast

3 years ago


It's TERRIBLE. IT'S ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE. I carry nothing but HATE for this "school". I had to leave after my first year. I paid $172 for a parking pass, and hardly EVER got to park in front of my own dorm. All those freaking "cheer parents" with their little kids would take up THE STUDENT'S spaces in front of OUR dorms, instead of using the designated parking infront of the gym they were using for their cheer practice. Speaking of dorms, they wont allow you to have simple string lights or coffee makers plugged up in you room (in Clark Hall) because the building still has aluminum wiring. But they'll let you have a big flat screen TV, microwave, and mini fridge. It made no sense to me. And you have to share one bathroom between 2 rooms. Depending on the number of people in each room, that could be 4 to 6 people to one shower.
I had a couple of professors just give up on me, even though I tried. With all the things I was going through in life outside of class, I still tried, and attempted to explain my situation but they never listened. Looking at you "art professor"!
On top of that, when you try to get to class, just avoid the fountains COMPLETELY. There is ALWAYS some OVERLY RELIGIOUS NUT yelling at the students, telling them that they're "going to hell" and "you're all sinners" and all that BS. They WANT to draw a crowd. They WANTED to turn the students against eachother. And they did.
Also, the "community" is SO DIVIDED. If you're not a part of their "club" they'll just shun you completely. Some will even get huffy when you ask about joining. On top of that, I wasted 2 hours just trying to finish my registration, BUT THE STAFF IS SO FREAKING CLUELESS. They gave me the run around in one buulding. "Go to this floor", "oh sorry, they were wrong its the other floor", "oh? They told you to come here? Thats weird. Go back to the floor you were just on. They should help you." Back and forth, back and forth. Even during orientation, they gave out false information to make themselves look better. "We always have this and that going on at this building". But when I started attending, the people that worked they were incredibly confused when I asked about events. For instance, I was told at orientation that they always had therapy dog at the school. You just have to make an appointment to see them. I get to the building they were talking about, and the employees were dumbfounded when I asked about the therapy dog stuff.
And dont even bother paying for a 7 day meal plan. The cafeterias are only open for 6. Only ONE (Kerr) is open EARLY MORNING on a sunday, and the food is disgusting and usually undercooked anyway.
The only reason some of these people are giving 5 star ratings is because they didnt attend. They just visited. YOU DONT KNOW WHAT GOES ON BEHIND THE SCENES. YOU. DONT. KNOW.


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