April Lundberg

4 years ago

I came to Rose for help with bleeding while a litt...

I came to Rose for help with bleeding while a little over 12 weeks pregnant because I see Rose Midwifery for my prenatal care and thought it would be easier for them to get my records. I signed in under my legal name but by the time I got through triage (only took a few minutes) they had me listed by my maiden name and all old info such as my emergency contact. We told the nursing staff and they didn't seem too bothered by it so I tried changing it through the billing specialist who came to see me. He refused because he said it would cause issues and slow down the ER process. He pretended to update my emergency contact to my husband but gathered no info on him other than his name, not even his phone number.
Everything else about the visit was pretty alright. The poor guy who drew my blood didn't seem to know what he was doing and ended up getting blood everywhere but had a nurse with him who was trying to talk him through it. It ended up being one of the most painful IV/Cath things I've ever had. The nursing staff, Doctor and volunteers were all very nice and pleasant. The ultrasound tech was AMAZING and helped cheer me up since i was so terrified I had lost my the baby (I hadnt, yay!) Other than the mess with the billing - and the blood lol- it was a good visit, considering what I was there for.


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