Reviewed By Me

3 years ago

Part One- Arrived, was greeted and found my name l...

Part One- Arrived, was greeted and found my name listed on the board at the reception. My appointment was for 2:30, I arrived at 2:40. The person I was there to see, Tonya, had five appointments listed from 2:30 to 3:30, not sure how she was going to work with all us within an hour. I really did not mind initially because I was just there to discuss possibilities. The person who greeted me offered me a drink, I accepted, and he handed me a warm Pepsi out of the mini fridge. A couple of more minutes went by and reception paged Tonya again (because she told me she did not believe the first guy did it right) and then she came out. I started working with Tonya, (who kept calling me girl like she knew me) and within a few minutes Ryan came over, introduced himself and asked for my keys to see my car. He went to see my car and came back with my registration. He had taken it out of my (very messy glove compartment) which means he dug through my things to get it. Tonya came back, I talked with her a little more (as her other appointments arrived, she would get up to greet them). The second time Tonya left to greet her guest, Gary came over to introduce himself and then he asked me again for everything that I had already discussed with Tonya, who he called Amber a couple of times. While talking with Gary, Josh (who is only a couple of feet away sitting behind the desk with several other people), behind the desk begins yelling over to me about my trade in and my very personal credit history. I looked around and asked him to just tell everyone my situation- this may have been the moment that Josh decided he would really show me- oh well. The fourth time Amber/Tonya came back, I told her about what just happened and then I watched and listened to her go over and tell Josh what I said. Josh barely looked at her while she was talking to him (I guess she was trying to be discreet) and Josh shrugged his shoulders like so what and continued to work. I remained seated where I was close to Josh and the other guys at the desk, while listening to their comments about all things- some not totally appropriate for customers- maybe they need some personal space to talk freely, IDK. As their voices got lower, Josh came over to apologize for blurting out my personal business and speaking loudly in general. I did tell him it was okay, because based on how he shrugged Amber/Tonya off, I was surprised he would even think to acknowledge his behavior. Another 30-40 minutes went by, at one point I offered to come back since Amber/Tonya was so busy. While I was sitting there, my old car dealership emailed me to thank me for my inquiry and said they would be calling me soon-Strange because I never contacted them. Eventually she came around and told me that Josh was finished with my application and that she had a car to show me, she loaded me into a white 2019 Buick (I told her I wanted a used car) and after actually taking a screwdriver to unscrew the license plate holder to add the dealer plate (never seen anyone do this for a test drive) sent me on my way alone to test the car out (never experienced this when trying to buy a car, but I figured she was just too busy to assist). Now the fun part


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