Neil Smith

3 years ago

I was in somewhat of a financial crises and was ad...

I was in somewhat of a financial crises and was advised to go to Prudent Financial. After giving it a great deal of thought and being warned of these kinds of these kind of company's I decided to go ahead and get a loan secured on my vehicle. My first impressions were good and at the the time all seemed to be positive, I was even sold new insurance from John DiFalco because he said I was paying to much, and he said he could get me a cheaper quote through his broker the "Hub" Well I left prudent that day feeling warm and fuzzy knowing things weren't going to be so bad for me and my children after all, I should have gone to a loan shark! The first month after I had gotten the loan from Prudent Financial they reposed my vehicle my payment had gone nsf I had no mobile phone so they couldn't get hold of me, they didn't bother to contact the second person on the loan I was left stranded with out a vehicle at my place of business, and because I had no vehicle I lost the job and was out of pocket 700 bucks.
Last week I made my payment in person, and paid $360.00 to Unica insurance. John DiFalco decided that because I have been delinquent paying my insurance in the past he was going to have my vehicle repossessed for being late again paying my insurance on my vehicle. He then went on to make racially orianted slurs to my friend who was trying to explain the situation. This is not a company you want to do business with all I'm doing is trying to do is keep my head above water.
And petty little mommas boys are doing there best to ruining FAMILYS. By sucking every last dime out of your pocket. And taking away the only means of transportation you have.


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