3 years ago

We unfortunately were seated in the portable dance...

We unfortunately were seated in the portable dance floor area as we were eating the person in charge a surly brunette short and stout,as she stood there with her arms crossed and a expression of abject intolerance on her face I did wonder if we were under dressed or perhaps had a odor she did not approve of ? As the Dance time approached we as a group at the table were not informed nor asked if we could relocate.Instead the wait staff cleared around us as we attempted to have conversations with friends and family .At one point I inquired as to what was up? One of the younger staff pointed at her watch and exclaimed "Its time for the dance"....like we had some insight into there schedule? ,,,,Rude and assumptive behavior are not a skill,neither is arrogance ....all in all we as a table were made to feel at a minimum uncomfortable......I have a dollar that the overseer Surly brunette told her staff to move us....she defiantly had the look and the attitude.Having some experience in the service industries I am dissapointed.


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