Shauna Gazloff

4 years ago

Approx 2.5 years ago I ordered my first pair after...

Approx 2.5 years ago I ordered my first pair after Footlevelers orthotics was recommended by my chiropractor. I am a runner and put on approx 300-500 km per month. I had been in physio therapy for nearly a year with severe knee pain from the way my feet would land (having flat feet) when I was told about orthotics. I got my first pair and loved them, my collapsed arch now had support and the orthotics allowed my feet to land without twisting and going through excruciating pain. I had found my solution and was thrilled. Fast forward to March, 2019 I started to notice my knees start to hurt, just slightly. I went back to my chiropractor and yes, he confirmed that the orthotics will start wearing down or out after a couple of years. I had a scan redone and new ones came. The minute I put them in my shoes I knew they were not right. The arch was so pronounced that it felt like a rubber mallet beating the inside of my arch with every step. I immediately went back to my chiropractor and told him... Footlevers said i had to wear them for a least a month to break them in?? This did not make sense to me, a computer scanned my feet for custom made orthotics and i have to wear them in? Secondly, there was no "wearing" in period with my first set. This made no sense, but in order to get another pair I continued to wear them although they were causing me pain! 3 weeks into the 4, i went for another walk (not run, too painful) and I ended up with blisters on both feet in my arch exactly where I stated the pain was coming from. Back to the chiropractor and he told Footlevelers that I now had blisters and they agreed to make another pair. They said they would use my original, first scan from the first set made. Another several weeks go by and they finally come in. I didn't even have to put them in my shoes to know they were AGAIN WRONG!! They are almost flat and just visually you can see they are not the same. I put them in my runners anyway as i was instructed and went for a walk. I felt no support for my collapsed arches and set off to walk 5 km (again I can't run and that is why i need these), at about 2 km my right knee start to pain and i started limping, at 4 km my left knee started to hurt terribly as well. This is the exact place in my knees that caused me to seek out physio therapy and spend a couple thousand dollars just to find out my solution would be orthotics.

I now have my original pair that is still better and causes the least amount of pain, even though they are over 2 years old. Footlevellers is telling me wear these for a month again?? Why, so I can bring back old injuries and go back to spending a copious amount of time and money at physio? I called them directly today and they were short and rude simply stating 3-4 times they cannot help me even after I reminded them that their website says they have a 100% money back guarantee.

I am very unhappy and want my insurance company credited the money back so that I can seek out a different company to fit me properly. These are supposed to be custom, yet they cause blisters, and severe knee pain.

I would not recommended this company to anyone.

Please Footlevelers, do not contact me to try to convince me the pain is normal or that I have to work with my chiropractor as you have already told him I need to wear these for a month and go through pain. I think giving you two opportunities to make this right is enough. I would just like a refund.


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