Deaf Girl

4 years ago

I waited 1 hour and 15 minutes to be seen in Urgen...

I waited 1 hour and 15 minutes to be seen in Urgent care. The doctor was very friendly and helped resolve my medical issue. I was issued an antibiotic prescription. The doctor offered to send it to my pharmacy, as opposed to writing me a prescription and would send it over for me. We waited well over an hour to pick it up and upon arrival at the pharmacy, was told it wasn t signed. Therefore, they were unable to fill it. They tried calling AVMC but were 8th in the queue and had to hang up. Perhaps your nurses line number should be on your slip to eliminate this issue?? They suggested we call ourselves, as there wasn t anything else they could do or had time to do.

I called the clinic number off Google and waited on hold for 20 minutes, I was also 8th in your queue. I was greeted on the line by a woman and explained my dilemma. She said that it was Walgreens fault and there was nothing she could do. I got upset (as I need this prescription) and She was very consescrnding and rude. I ve worked in customer service for many years and don t aporeciate her lack of empathy and help . I also know that you retain your composure and don t take what s being said to you, personally. She was very defensive and more concerned about explaining the long wait time. I don t care, I just want my prescription before my pharmacy closes for the evening. This type of person is answering your incoming phone line? She finally gave me a phone number (she wouldn t transfer me) that I called and no one answered. I m not even sure what it was. It took another phone call, waiting on hold and more transferring before our issue was finally resolved.

Your patient shouldn t have to do so much work (and waste their time) and have to make so many calls to resolve your mistake. I didn t feel well in the first place and this wasn t how I wanted to spend my evening. That first call should have resulted in 1 transfer, period. I simply wanted help and I feel you dropped the ball. Sadly, I will not be returning in the future. Very dusappinted.


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