Lukasz Zimowski
Review of Solar Naturally

4 years ago

Absolutely rip off and doesn't do what I was told ...

Absolutely rip off and doesn't do what I was told it would.

Firstly be wary of the positive reviews you see on here they all seem to be pleased with the installation and sales process.

I wanted to see how this went before I posted a review and now being over a year with the company these are my thoughts.

You are better off buying a unit outright from somewhere else as it will be over half the price cheaper than being on a payment plan.

I was also told with the payment plan I would pay exactly the same and would pay off my solar unit over a few years.This is the main reason I did it as I thought if I'm going to pay this money to Synergy anyway I might as well have something out of it.

This has not been the case as I've been paying anywhere between $35-$50 a week to Synergy whilst paying off this system. Very similar to before but have also been paying off a solar system on top.

We have also been very conservative with the power in the house and using majority of the high power appliances during the day and at separate times.

My payment plan is almost $40 a week for a 5kw - 18 Panel System. Total price is about $8300 over the payment term. I've had a few quotes done for the same system outright and getting in around $3600-$4100 fully installed.

Power bills are still coming up around $250-$500 every 2 months even with the solar. Winter has been the worst for bills for obvious reasons. Latest bill was $497 (60 days).

The only part of the experience which was pleasant was the install which they did a great job but should have for the money it's costing.

Overall dissapointed with the experience as they didn't deliver as promised.

Go somewhere else.


Yes I was contacted by Jessica and the suggestions were not suited.

She said to use the app when the solar used most power. So what i'm supposed to drive home from work and put all my appliances on? This is just dumb. All the timed appliances such as dish washer, washing machine are always run during the day.

Majority of my power is exported back to the grid so that just proves I was sold the wrong system and the design consultant was trying to maximise commission.

In regards to not being the cheapest in the market that is correct. You aren't and other companies which you can buy outright are just as good if not better and half the price.

You prey on people selling them a falsified lie where they can own their solar by paying the same amount as you would to synergy. Absolute lie.

As mentioned go somewhere else. Scam company.


First time I've been contacted since they installed their device which was October last year and picked up shortly after. Nobody bothered to call till now and seems like a new person has been hired to look after complaints and marketing. Did nothing at all to rectify the situation and banged on about the system she runs at home.

Once again no resolution what so ever and excuses. Go somewhere else and ignore all the positive reviews as they have been falsified.


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