A. R.

3 years ago

Unfortunately, zero stars do not go for this lousy...

Unfortunately, zero stars do not go for this lousy rip-off with and through their partner KLARNA. In September I ordered concert tickets for a concert in April. The tickets came later than announced due to delivery problems of the encore - no problem, concert is only in April - "we ask for your understanding" Yes, they get.

But not for the dunning procedure. The first came online, because the cards were not even there. Then transferred - without the reminder fee (1.20), nevertheless came the second reminder, again 1.20.
I refuse to pay, now came the last with notice of collection and legal costs of at least 75 euros and more.
Because of 2.40 , of which - if any - at least the second 1,20 are not justified, because there was already paid. By the way, you have to count on online banking for at least five days. What a crap! One day online transfers. They should talk to their bank!
Proportionality can in no way be mentioned - because of questionable 1.20 "reminder fees" a debt collection procedure.
And after all, they already work with my money - until April 2019 ....
Customer service and friendliness is something else!
NOT recommended, you do not want to be ripped off.


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