Horror GoreHound Game's & Movie Review's

3 years ago

Where do i begin with this lengthy honest review f...

Where do i begin with this lengthy honest review from a observing point of view.
First and formost the place is a shelter for transients & family's in need and the only one in Atlantic County besides the Covenant House which houses youth ages 18 to 21.
Now to the truth and facts about this 501 chapter 3 non profit, Talk about corruption it's on a massive scale.
i will disclose no employees names due the illegal nature of some of these & thier actions.
First there was a high ranking Chief who's daughter was employed there also and she was caught forging company checks in his name which is a big nono and falls under identity forgery and when she was caught nothing happened but a dismissal and termination, without reporting this act to local authorities.
then there is the fact that the mission is tax exempt under the 501 chapter 3 and certain employees use company funds to purchase personal product's from various locations wawa,staples etc while it's written off as Mission purchases at when in fact it anything but.
And this one is probly the most arduous and immoral on so far.
Now any employee who works at the Atlantic city Rescue signs clauses and contracts to remain and follow the given policy and being that it is a Christian Based recovery program i find it very tasteless that a former and current employee was caught in the john brooks recovery center program for suboxine whist employeed and that not being the issue at hand, the issue is this individual was selling his suboxine to other employees also including clients.
The actions of this employee who i might add is still employeed,was brought fourth to two higher ups and nothing was done besides damage controll and a puff piece editorial in the press about this individual month's after the fact.
It was later confirmed that this was reported to John Brooks and his take home wasn't correct.
And here is a better one i think many should look up this law, While the ACRM is a homeless shelter last time i check it was quite illegal to give a printout of all client's who reside there and give this printout to local authorities so names could be ran and later in the evening in the AM the police would come round and apprehend anyone with a warrant staff showing them where they were and exactly where thier bed were per the printout.
And this one is insane they have client's work the front desk to do tickets for the meals, it goes a little like this they walk up give thier social security number and the client/resident punches it in and what shows up is the person who is connected to the social and in various cases a brief medial history such as HIV, Etc which clearly violates the HIPA law that is privy to employee's only.
The list is in depth and i could go one for paragraphs and just a few other issues the building is ran like a Demilitarized Zone,its ridden and laced with bed bugs,there have been personal attacks on Staff with box cutters with damage,and a elderly man was pronounced dead after a week upon being assulted in front of the establishment for his medication by another resident circa (2010).
But to sum up the Atlantic City Rescue Mission and various employees some former & some current,but not all employees. Simply disregard clients or conditions as long as the grants and write offs are coming in.
I have first hand eyewitnessed the utterly degrading,bigotry and lack of compassion towards clientele it's a well oil machine and before i end on a final note i please contest anyone client or employee to prove the facts i presented wrong so i may prove these actions true and far from liable or slander.
For being a Christian based organization i wish they would follow what they preach and not decieve by lies,passing the buck or putting liability on other's for thier own unethical,immoral & illegal nature.
Just remember what's done in the dark eventually comes to the light.


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