
danish ruler

4 years ago

This is a freaky place. I was put into isolation f...

This is a freaky place. I was put into isolation for no good reason under thick glass in more secure place than Hannibal Lecter. My 3 or 4 day stay was extremely scary. I do not recall being allowed to make my one phone call to notify my family of my location. What is the CAP program? It is well known that many individuals facing misdemeanor charges are often coerced into pleading guilty by virtue of inability to pay for bail resulting in a lengthy stay in the jail waiting trial by jury or see judge. I was advised by fellow inmates to plead guilty and did so. The justice system is flawed. I saw alot of friendly bi-racial families with their loved ones checking out of this jail. There is a better way to manage society rather than subjecting people to abuse. Upon release I was given paperwork that stated that I owed approximately $950 to the jail or the court. This jail is corrupt, that is my impression. The justice system is largely flawed. I am enrolled in computer programming classes and cataloguing a database detailing specifics that can be referenced. My father was a criminal prosecutor for the Attorney General of California. I recommended that my father might as well become a judge. My parents said naw it involves taking people out to dinner for 10 years. And additionally by the time I was in 3rd grade I strived to become a US Supreme Court Justice and farmer.

I shouldn't be automatically judged for the clothes I am wearing on a particular day. I spoke to a cop in Louisville who told me that a lawyer is basically exempt from scrutiny of the law and he speed off with a comical expression.

Hello Lexington Kentucky this is the library bandito speaking: so I was testing your justice system and I've experienced judges who should not be elected or appointed. The recall process of judges is in place for a reason. I am obtaining my court records and arrest records and will follow through with an official complaint, there are three way a Superior Court judge can be removed. I am advising anyone who really feels they've been wronged by a judge to complain as well. There ought to be much more standardization of the sentencing processes of judges. Not allowances made based on an illusory impression and income bracket. Its time to judge the judges and juries to be tested for their actual accuracy in perceptions and comprehension ability.

Hey court system what impresses you so much about a criminal involved in drug trafficking who uses money from illegal sale of drugs to make bond? Those suspected of serious violent crime should not be allowed to make bond. That is putting society at large in danger. Aren't you judges even aware of the law? The Federal Index of 1978, a person accused of bank robbery is not allowed to make bond because they got that money by stealing from a bank. So same goes for robbery of a house.

Stop being bought off or somehow impressed by money. I don't have so many friends to talk to about movies or food. I am trying to get people to assert their rights and I am trying to get more accountability around here. And not have my constitutional rights violated. I should be allowed to speak in court. To present the full facts

Thanks for listening and follow through. Some really nice families probably now are unable to get jobs to pay bills. I didn't talk to them at this jail in Lexingonton.

I've been to 47 states and travelled internationally to Europe more times than the judges. Please you have no basis to look down on me. Try again.

Who is the real criminal?


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