Rosa Maria Viana

4 years ago

The appeal, which I share with all Vianenses, was ...

The appeal, which I share with all Vianenses, was written by Manuel Alves da Cunha, who is 91 years old and has an unlimited love for nature.
The five stars are for him!
Lancinating Appeal

They want to murder our beautiful Araucaria. I read the news in the Aurora do Lima newspaper and I was appalled. When prepared for this, it is considered the tallest Christmas tree in Europe. The pride of Viana and Portugal. Its beauty causes admiration. It grows symmetrically forming a beautiful cone of greenery, which seems to want to reach the sky. It is a delight for the eyes and ecstasy for the spirit. By feeling it is national heritage. It has life, but it has no defenses. It is completely at the mercy of arbitrary decisions by materialistic, insensitive, mediocre and petty minds, unable to get excited about the beauties of nature. Friends of the trees speak up! Not to do so is to be an accomplice to a hateful crime. His long life deserves respect and gratitude. Need to be pruned? Hire competent and non-decapitating tree professionals. It deserves to be treated with all care and affection. If they do, they will have our admiration, as they prove that they have noble feelings, without which life is chaos. Its slaughter will be a stain on the action of the municipality, extremely discreditable, which will never be extinguished. If that happens and I know the day of the overthrow, even if I am very weak there, I will be leaning against your torso and each ax will make the fibers of my heart vibrate and tears will moisten the earth that created it and that the folly of men destroyed. It will be highly painful.

Manuel Alves da Cunha


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