Candicane red and white

4 years ago

I am sending this to every Six Flags I can find on...

I am sending this to every Six Flags I can find on Facebook and hopes that I will get some kind of response this is about the New England location (1623 Main Street Agawam Massachusetts 01001) I have never been so disappointed by a theme park before now mind you I live in Palm Beach County Florida so I have been to plenty of theme parks this particular theme park on the other hand is absolutely ridiculous I called at 1:30 to 2 p.m. due to the fact I was trying to find a water park that was open I was told the waterpark is open it would be open till 6 so I drove the hour and a half to Six Flags only to find that the water park is closed due to weather now I remind you that on this particular day granted there were clouds in the sky not a single drop of rain not a a single crack of thunder or strike of lightning in the sky. So now at this point I am now dealing with two very disappointed nine-year-olds one my daughter and the other my wonderful niece that we are visiting. So I simply asked you know guys I called I was told the waterpark is open till 6pm and its not and we are literally only going to be here for 4 hours is there anyway that you guys can help us out with some kind of a discount considering half of your Park is closed Jessica the supervisor responded with no ma'am there is nothing we can do the price is what it is she also preceded by saying I'm so sorry in response to that I told her no you're not because if you truly were you would be doing something to help. Following that we went over to their Little River Ride where we got on the ride and the worker working the ride went along and helped everyone buckle up now I had my bag in my arms I don't mind keeping it in my arms but I figured I'd go ahead and ask if I could toss it over to the side so I can pick it up when I got back off the ride of course I got ignored and she continued her way off of my raft which is when I put my arm up in the air waved it and said hello I still got ignored so then I again attempted ma'am may I toss my bag over I am now currently almost clearing the landing so I just made a last-minute decision to toss it over well of course the worker had no problem noticing the fact that I tossed my bag over and then screaming the word NO at me walking over and tossing the bag back at me so I responded to her actions by saying if you had not ignored me the first 3 times I ask this would never have even happened oh and all of the scowled faces that almost every single one of their employees had the few employees that I encountered that were pleasant and smiling was a custodian for a bathroom near the river ride and two wonderful ladies working for the food stand right in front of that bathroom I am so sorry to say that this was an all-around horrible experience I am not looking for reimbursement y'all have my money and y'all can keep it but I would like to know that the situation is being handled it wasn't just one or two employees it was multiple in all reality if Six Flags was a true caring company they would do an entire overhaul on the New England location now needless to say I will definitely never suggest this park to anybody I won't even suggest Six Flags at all because they obviously do not care about their customers


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