Review of Blu Kouzina

3 years ago



We ordered the seafood platter, which consisted of Sea Bream, grilled squid and 3 jumbo prawns. When the platter came out the 3 jumbo prawns, which are a major part of the platter, were missing without a word of explanation. When we asked why there were no prawns, they said there was none today and had been replaced with octopus. So the seafood platter consisted of Squid, 400g sea bream and octopus. So it was bream and squid/octopus - hardly a platter. I hope you like Cephalopod family of seafood.

This annoyed me for a number of reasons:

1) How difficult is it to tell someone a key component of their order is missing when it is ordered, so that you have the option to order something else? We had the same thing happen the previous night and waiter apologised and suggested the alternative-i.e. they gave us a choice rather than trying to deceptively pass off something else. Everyone happy.

2) When we asked where the prawns were, they said there was none and said in an aggressive manner, "is this a problem?". Like it was our fault that they had changed the dish after we ordered. We we made to feel uncomfortable that we even questions that they didnt bring out what we ordered.

3) If we had ordered the components of the sea platter off the ala carte menu, it would have been cheaper than what they charged us for the seafood platter. It was quite frankly dishonest that they were substituting the expensive components with cheaper stuff. So it cost $130 for a 400g bream and squid/octopus.

When it cost $200 for the above, a beer and 2 glasses of house sparkling, they really need to lift their service. It was one of the european guys that served us. Poor form.


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