
krzysztof dawidziuk

4 years ago



Never again!!! Hotel de Stobbe in Ruinen.

They call themselves Gluten-free hotel ...; (I called 3 times, asked about gluten-free food, gave information about celiac disease. Each time same Answer: Yes no problem. Asked again on arrival, received the same answer: No problem! First day evening ordered food and dessert for our son with celiac disease.When served again asked if it is really gluten free ..... Waitress first said yes but I will still ask .... Answer Yes that is 100% gluten free Unfortunately it turned out that cheescake was full of gluten; (Our son was very sick !!!!!. In the morning we spoke with owner and it turned out that that cheescake was full of gluten ..... Too bad that not everyone understands how dangerous it is food for some people may be ....


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