Kelvin Tay

4 years ago

Dear Pacific Bookstore,

Dear Pacific Bookstore,

Happy New Year and wishing all your staff & families great health & happiness.

We d like to try one last attempt to arrive at an amicable resolution to the below, before we review the need to call for a meeting with the school principal and the MOE Minister Ong Ye Kung.

It s really not the $$ that matters, but the principles, moral values, public trust and your own Pacific Bookstores values (Commitment, Care & Concern) behind your commercial business that we want to inculcate in our fellow countrymen and our younger generations when they patronise your business.

As such, we kindly seek your help.

In summary:
On 08 Nov 19 (Fri AM), after the P1 Orientation, my wife paid $65.40 in cash at your bookstore in North View Pri Sch (setup adhoc in a classroom). She collected all items on the spot, except for 2 - NVPS School Handbook (2020) and 2501 Board TPC PVC Ring File 25mm . Your cashier said that those 2 items would be delivered directly to the Form Teacher.

Today, 02 Jan 2020, we were informed by the Form Teacher that she had not received the 2 items from your bookstore. In order not to cause delay in my child s learning, we paid for the two items again at your NVPS bookstore, total $7.30.

Can we request your assistance in the refund for these two items?

Prima facie, below was what happened on 08 Nov 19, in chronological order.

1. No Credit Card Receipt:
My wife wanted to pay in credit card but your machine was down. She had no choice but to pay in cash. There was naturally no credit card receipt.

2. No Merchandise Receipt:
When my wife requested for a merchandise receipt stating clearly the items bought, your bookstore cashier said they were unable to issue such receipt.

(On 02 Jan 20, we verified that your bookstore cashier (a different person) indeed were unable to issue a merchandise receipt when we bought $57.50 worth of items at 1315h, with MasterCard ending *-0742. We were issued a credit card receipt this time (see attached file), as the credit card machine was not down.)

3. Ticks on Booklist:
Hence, the only thing we could depend on were the handwritten ticks on the booklist, and the final amount $65.40 that was handwritten by your cashier on the booklist on 08 Nov 19. See attached file.

4. Name of my gal:
In addition, my wife was asked to write the name of my P1 Gal on a piece of paper, so that they know which Form Teacher to pass to.

5. Given all items except two:
Prima facie beyond reasonable doubt, if my wife hadn t paid the $65.40, why would she be given all items except those two above?

6. Adhoc Parent Signature Book:
On 02 Jan 20, when we approached a 50yo madam and a young gentleman (both of whom were friendly and professional) at your NVPS bookstore, they said that they couldn t find my wife s signature in their so-called booklet, and hence couldnt prove that she had paid for those 2 items. The irony was, my wife was not even aware of the existence of this booklet, not to mention the need to sign to prove that she had paid.

7. Investigate:
Can we seek Pacific Bookstore s help to investigate and give us a reasonable explanation beyond doubt? You may wish to view all necessary evidence, including the cctv in the school, and the handwriting ($65.40) on our booklist.

We d sincerely appreciate your help in the above matter. Thank you

Father of P1 Gal
(North View Pri School)


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