Michael Powell

3 years ago

This is my first time ever posting on a Google rev...

This is my first time ever posting on a Google review. I feel so compelled to berate this place, it has driven me to waste my time writing this.

Your service is utter garbage! 3 different times I have called your establishment with the intent of having basic service done to my 2014 Mustang. Each time has been the exact same result: I have been transferred around to different departments, nobody seems to have a clue where the service department even IS IN YOUR BUILDING, and the one time your phone system puts me in the correct department, the individual in service spent most of the time laughing in the background, rather than assist me.

She repeatedly asked me "what was that," In between laughing and not paying attention to a word I said. We have been a Ford family for 3 generations (2 of which I personally had ORDERED brand new here in the states, as well as overseas, and two were purchased used), and have never been so embarrassed to be an advocate for Ford, until receiving your service (or lack thereof).

I will be up-channeling this accordingly to the main Ford outfit, but I wanted people on here to be aware of my misfortunes, (and avoid this place at all costs) in the mean-time.



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