3 years ago



We recently had "Company Moves" over to our house for removal quoting purposes.
Kevin attended, seemed a nice enough person, gift of the gab as any good salesman should have.
However, we had an issue with the quote : Ours is 2 storey, 4 bedroom house, with a 3 person occupancy, moving literally 5 minutes away from our current location to a 3 storey, 4 bedroom house.
What Kevin didn't realise, at the time, is our friends recently used "Company Moves" to also move within the same area as us, literally 5 minutes from where their previous house was (like us) This time from a 3 storey, 5 bedroom house, with a 6 person occupancy to a 3 storey 4 bedroom house. They effectively have 2 - 3 times the amount of household items than we do, beds, etc.

We questioned this with Kevin who claims that the house our friends moved too doesn't have 3 storeys (it does, a loft conversion, we do communicate with each other!)
They also moved from a 3 storey house, unlike us.(2 storey) I questioned Kevin on this, to which he replied (very disgruntled, like I was inconveniencing him) that more men would be required and that he would:
"go and get the file."
I replied that this he should have done before feeding me false information with regard to our friends quote. His sarcastic response :
" Whatever you say".
Furiously I made it clear what I would like him to do with the quote and hung up.
I think he needs to remember, its us, the customers, that put food on their table at the end of the day. Rudeness, sarcasm and disinformation are not good quality's in which a company should operate. I hope it was just Kevin letting the side down.
Apologies for this being lengthy, but I have put this here as a warning, use your due diligence before signing the dotted line.(Which we haven't,luckily!!)


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