Zach K
Review of EntertainMart

4 years ago

Entertainmart is a store filled with almost every ...

Entertainmart is a store filled with almost every movie, video game and CD you can imagine. Granted there are always the few things I go in looking for that I never find, but they tend to have almost everything. Their prices range from being under priced to being extremely over priced. I just bought two brand new movies that had just been released that cost 20 or more at normal stores, and only cost me 12.99 used at Entertainmart. And other times they have movies that are fairly new or several years old that they charge an arm and a leg for. All in all their selection is typically decent, but that being said..

I have been going to Entertainmart since the very day that they opened, and every year the store drops in quality. Unfortunately the entire store looks like it is a war zone with pieces of trash all over the place and dust that has probably been there since the day they opened. The staff is beyond rude. There are only a few people that work there that even seem to know what decent customer service is, most of the people that work there have major attitudes, would rather not give you the time of day and are not very helpful. And most of the employs don't even look like they work there. They don't have much order when it comes to anything in the store. Their buying station has moved so many times since they opened I have lost track, and now they have a line set up that confuses everyone who goes there and instead of changing it or being nice about it they give every customer attitude.

They give you barley any money at all if you try and sell things to them, I know they need to make a profit of their own, but when they rip you off doing it, it isn't worth it. They refuse to buy any disc that is scratched, which seems almost funny considering lots of their own movie selection is scratched. I have even sold movies purchased from them in the past back to them, being that I didn't need them anymore due to upgrading or having more then one copy, and they refuse to buy it back because it is scratched but some how they have no problem selling other scratched merchandise.

They have no care in the world for keeping the place organized. Movies, games, CDs and the like are constantly out of place or left where ever. Their lettering system with their movies makes no sense at all and is almost impossible to find what you are looking for unless you walk up and down every row of movies. They have countless boxes full of thousands of movies and CDs that, while their lettering system is better then the actual movie area itself, is just movies and CDs scattered about and takes more time then most are willing to look through.

Their pricing system makes no sense. Some things are far to over priced and I have no idea where they get their prices from. There are countless items, I have noticed it mostly with video games but their movies have this as well, that have numerous prices. I have found one video game that they have multiple copies of that each copy has a different price. Sometimes they will input in their computer that the item is now the lowest price marked on one of the copies but other times they will make you pay whatever price is on the box.

They constantly lose discs to items they sell, I have tried to buy several things from them that they then come back to me at the counter and tell me they can not find the disc. I have even tried to buy a movie from them that they have several copies of and they can't find a single disc to any of them. The workers have no idea half the time what it is they are looking for when they get discs. I have bought things from them that they give me the wrong discs for, give me less discs then are supposed to be included, and sometimes they don't even know what they have to get discs for and what they don't have to get discs for and they will try to sell me empty boxes and when told it has no discs they give off an attitude before going to get them.

While Entertainmart is one of a kind and is fun to go to occasionally, they need new management, a cleaning crew and employs who actually care.


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