Craig Richardson

3 years ago

Two nights at the castle hotel in a wizard room du...

Two nights at the castle hotel in a wizard room during brick week. On arrival we were met with the common theme for the whole stay. Standing around waiting. We waited while the one person on the reception desk answered the questions for the person in front of us. For at least ten minutes! Why not have two people on the desk? Not the best start. Ordered the welcome pack which included two bottles of beer, there's no bottle openers in the room. If I wanted to open them I was advised to go to the bar, who would gladly open them for me. I mean come on, seriously?

Breakfast in the tournament tavern was much of a similar affair as bricks the evening before. Food sat under counters far longer than it should be. The fried eggs were like rubber and pretty much inedible.
Then onto the first of our 'free days' at the park. Made our way to the first ride, only just opened at 10am so there was no queue. Stood around waiting for half an hour before they eventually opened the doors of the ride. Once inside we were informed the ride was broken and to maybe come back later. By now the park was full. Next ride, waiting in the queue for 50 minutes. Now it's lunch time! Queue for half an hour to get a 'quick' sausage roll. Again only one member of staff serving. Card only payments for food. Forty minutes to eat probably the worst sausage roll I've had in my life. I couldn't really complain about the children not wanting to eat theirs. Then some time to maybe squeeze in two more rides before the park shuts at 4pm. 10am to 4pm opening, really? When you spend an hour queuing for a ride and almost two hours for lunch, including queuing for food and toilets, your extremely lucky if you even get three rides in your 'day'! Apparently the park was only at a third of usual capacity to minimise our time spent in queues, I'd hate to think what it must be like at full capacity.
After the park closed we headed for the hotel pool and pirate splash. A small area but pretty decent really. You have to book, so no queue thankfully. Splashed about for about an hour and then onto the evening. We couldn't get a table at the tournament tavern as it was fully booked and we didn't fancy paying through the nose again for food nobody would eat at bricks so we ordered from Dominoes instead. The evening entertainment of magic show, dancing and other activities were good but my children tend to get a bit scared so we didn't hang around.
Next day at the park was much like the first, lots and lots of standing about broken up by very brief moments of fun. Standing in a queue for an hour for two minutes of fun really isn't my idea of great value. We went to the big LEGO store to buy some LEGO, when presenting our LEGO V.I.P. card we're told that they don't accept it as it isn't an official LEGO store. Yes that's right, the LEGO shop in Legoland isn't a LEGO shop at all, have you ever heard anything so ridiculous?
Overall this break was a massive let down, expected so much but delivered so little. Things to improve are the opening times, food and more staff. There's no reason not to stay open until later. We live in an age of electric lighting, they could easily have the park lit and stay open until 8pm, at least then you might be able to get a few more rides in. They need more staff, the ones they have at the various service points are clearly overworked. But the staff they have do a good job, I must say that. Very cheery, wavy children's presenter style interactions with the children. Adds to the magical experience in the children's eyes.


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