Sayuti Nurdin
Review of TPQ Syiah Kuala

3 years ago

Syiah Kuala University (Unsyiah) is the oldest pub...

Syiah Kuala University (Unsyiah) is the oldest public university in Aceh. Established on September 2, 1961 with Decree of the Minister of Higher Education and Science Number 11 of 1961, July 21, 1961. The establishment of Unsyiah was confirmed by Presidential Decree of the Republic of Indonesia, number 161 of 1962, April 24, 1962 in Kopelma Darussalam, Banda Aceh. Unsyiah is domiciled in the Capital City of Aceh Province with the main campus located in the Student Student City (Kopelma) Darussalam, Banda Aceh. Currently, Unsyiah has more than 30,000 students studying in 12 Faculties and Postgraduate Programs.

As one of the higher education institutions, Unsyiah has a very strategic function in improving the quality of human resources, both for local, national and regional needs. As the University of the Heart of the People of Aceh that prioritizes quality, Unsyiah integrates universal, national, and local values to give birth to human resources that have harmony in science and technology and IMTAQ. Balance between the two becomes a major component in producing quality human resources, virtuous, upholding ethics, aesthetics and noble character.

Started with the establishment of the Aceh Welfare Fund Foundation (YDKA) on April 21, 1958, which was formed to carry out development in the spiritual and physical fields in order to realize prosperity and happiness for the community. YDKA arranges programs including (a) Establishing student villages in the provincial capital and every regency city in the Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam region, (b) Working for the establishment of a University for the Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam region. In line with this idea, on June 29, 1958, the Aceh Special Region War Authority formed a PLANNING AND CREATOR COMMISSION OF STUDENT CITY / STUDENTS. The Commission, which is seen as a sibling of YDKA, has the task of creating a commission, a think tank and an inspiration for YDKA, so that this commission is seen as the main capital for the development of student villages.


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