3 years ago

DON T BE FOOLED!!! These crooks BRIBE students to ...

DON T BE FOOLED!!! These crooks BRIBE students to write positive reviews in exchange for money and gift cards!! Notice how most of the reviews are submitted at the same time?? It s all a bunch of planned out lies. Some of the staff even harass you and won t let you go until you write down a review in their presence. Talk about desperate!

Most of the residents don t like this place so please do not be deceived with these disingenuous comments. This apartment complex is absolute garbage. Overpriced with poor quality furniture that the management charges YOU to fix. WiFi runs slow at least once every day, and when you confront the office about it, they tell YOU to call the WiFi company yourself. Be prepared to wait on the line for 40 minutes while using your own hotspot to get homework done!

Maintenance barely ever fixes the appliances in the apartments. You could file a claim 50 times and it ll never be repaired properly. SO many people I know have complained about their washers and dryers acting up. Some have said their dish washer doesn't even work at all. It's an exhausting process trying to fix things in this place. What the hell are we paying almost $500 for if basic amenities don't work?

Monthly overages are also GUARANTEED! even if your apartment is empty and nobody had used the water or electricity for a while, you will magically see a charge on your account. All they care about is money and not the genuine welfare of the people living here. Rent prices go up every year but guess what? quality stays the same. Yea we have a new gym and lounge area but what really matters are your policies and how you treat tenants and their finances! Pure trash. When it comes to anything regarding MONEY, you see another side of them that is callous, rude and absolutely unfair! Never willing to hear your complaints or understand your situation. It's money or nothing for these people, that's why they use it to bribe students every chance they get in exchange for positive reviews.

It's a big shame and I cannot wait to move out of this place! Do yourself a favor and check out other apartments in Carrollton who don't think about money all the time. And once again; the positive reviews you see here are ALL FORCED AND FAKE !


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