Jessica Caldwell

3 years ago

I've thought about this since Sunday and i just ha...

I've thought about this since Sunday and i just have to say something. My mamaws yorkie Chloe was going to have puppies, Sunday morning she went into labor and had her first one at 10:30 she looked as if she was trying to have the other 3 but couldn't at 3:00 we got to Reach animal hospital checked her in and was put in a room at 3:15 the Dr came in and told us she did a ultra sound there was 3 other pups in there so she was going to give her a shot to see if that helps her stay in labor and have the pups. a hour later a different lady comes in with a tablet telling us they wanted to do another ultra sound and x rays and this test and that test and a C section which will be $4,000 We can not afford 4000$ which we told the lady. At this point we think Chloe has been given the shot at 3:15 when we were told by the Dr she was getting it. At 5:00 the other lady comes back in with her tablet and tells me they have another treatment plan since we wont do the $4K plan. She tells me they want to do a ultra sound a x ray blood work and give her the shot. I asked if she hasn't already been given the shot when we got there they tell us NO they had her just sitting in a cage with the one pup she wouldn't even feed because she was in pain and they have done NOTHING to help her in the 2 hours we were there. I let them know they needed to give her the shot to help her and the pups before they die which the VET said would happen if they didnt come out. at 5:45 the vet came back in and told us the shot didnt work our only option was to do the C section which is again $4,000.00 or we could take her home and her and the puppies would die..... Awesome choices right. we told her again there is no way we can afford that is there anything else we can do. she then tells us we can surrender chloe and the born pup over to them they would get the humane society to cover the cost of the c section then they would be adopted out. So to save the life of chloe and her puppies my grandmother had to give reach her dog because that was our only choice. At 6:15 we were told we had to pay $350.00 for the Ultra sound and the shot and leave. Yesterday the Asheville Humane Society posted on their site chloe and two puppies for foster care. I can only assume two of the puppies didnt make it. I feel if Reach would have given her proper care and not pushing for a 4000.00 treatment we would still have Chloe and 4 healthy puppies.


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