AM Tellez

3 years ago

Horrible and downright criminally negligent Experi...

Horrible and downright criminally negligent Experience. Cat got sick over the weekend, was taken to the vet on a Tuesday. Got a call back from the vet Friday stating it was a bacterial infection. Was offered a choice of a broad spectrum antibiotic or for them to do a second test to get a more specific antibiotic. I chose to get the second test. The lady on the phone misunderstood and said "ok, so we'll do the broad spectrum..." and I said no and corrected her that I wanted the specific one instead. She said ok and told it would take over 24 hours so I would not get the results that day and they would call me back. The next Monday I hear nothing so I call and ask for results. I was told that I would get a call back before end of day. No Call. Tuesday I call again and ask for information. I get the same lady from Friday am told at this point that "oh you were supposed to come in friday for the broad range antibiotics" Upset now I remark that I had asked for the second test not the broad range ones and in any event they never said to come in. They then tell me that they me that the specific test will take until the upcoming Thursday to complete (nearly two weeks since the sickness started) and I was supposed to start the cat on the broad range. Non of this was ever mentioned in the Friday call. Now really upset and worried about my cat's health I demand to speak to a qualified vet. They tell me they will call me back within the hour. NO CALL. I call back and after kicking up a fuss they eventually give me to a manager who says they can answer all of my questions, after two questions about my cat's health they state that they don't actually know and they will have to ask a vet and they will definitely call me back by end of business day. I was enraged and tried to demand to talk to the vet so I could at least figure out what treatment my cat actually needed and what the damage from leaving it untreated so long might be but they refused to cooperate. They just kept insisting that they would totally call me back. Spoiler: They did not call by end of business day, they have not communicated at all for the last five days. Fortunately, I found another vet and they were able to see my cat last minute and give her some antibiotics that day, it was a minor issue so my cat is suffering no long term effects but I cannot imagine how bad it would be if I was unable to get a simple chat in a reasonable amount of time from a vet if my cat actually had a time sensitive condition. Also they charged nearly $300 for a basic workup of the cat and a diagnosis for a bacterial infection. For these prices I expect exceptional service not the absolute disregard for my pet's health that they showed. I only wish I could give 0 stars.


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