3 years ago

I arrived with my dog on a Saturday at 5PM. He cou...

I arrived with my dog on a Saturday at 5PM. He could not walk and we did not know why. He fell down and was unable to get back up. I explained the situation to them and they said they needed to take him in immediately to do vitals. I waited almost 2 hours for a doctor to come out and ask me the same questions that the front desk asked me when I arrived. The doctor gave me no new info and no update on how my dog was doing. I was an absolute wreck because this injury, so to speak, was totally out of the blue. I went to the front desk and asked for someone to speak with 3 times before I was taken into a room around 7:30PM to wait for the doctor who told me that my dog s knees popped out of his sockets because he was overweight and that was why he could not walk. She sent me back out to wait and said it would not be long. I did not end up leaving until after 9PM with my dog, who I was told was totally fine and walking around after they gave him some meds but this could not have been true... I took my dog home that night who did not stop whining the whole ride home and for hours afterwards. He still was unable to walk and was absolutely miserable. Heartbreaking! Long and the short of it, I called the vet 8x between Saturday and early Monday morning. I ended up taking him to our regular vet Monday and was told his knees were perfectly fine but he had a fracture in his spine due to cancer. The word cancer was never spoken and the Xrays that I was shown, same xrays from that weekend, showed there was nothing wrong with his knees. Each time I called North Haven Vet I was treated poorly and even accused of drug seeking, paid almost 1k for nothing because my dog was put down that Tuesday morning due to a misdiagnosis by the doctors there. This is the worst experience I have ever had and will not soon forget it.


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