4 years ago

While the school is decent itself there are other ...

While the school is decent itself there are other issues that can pose problems for others. The parking is absolutely terrible. Expect 15+ minutes searching and then another 10+ walking. The campus is huge with no way of getting around quickly so if you have back to back classes you spend your 15 minute break walking to class so you can't eat, study, write down remaining notes from last class. If your professor goes over time you are left rushing. Most professors choose not to work with you or help. If you can't do it when they want you to then you are out of luck. Most professors favor ones who are doing good already and don't want to help struggling students who are asking for the help. If you have a disability a vast majority of the professors make you feel bad about it and a pain to work with. Some will go out of their way to help you as much as they can. Tuition here is absurdly high for no reason. Community college will cost you ~$600 per semester while going here will cost you $3,200. They get a grant to help students get tablets for their classes and instead of letting the students spend it they spend it themselves on loaners which cripple students who find it useful for their other classes and can't afford one do to high school cost already and don't want to go further in debt with loans. They would rather build new buildings than alleviate student parking problems.


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