3 years ago

The only time you will see me in the IRMC will be ...

The only time you will see me in the IRMC will be because I am in the back of an ambulance. I spent 6 days
ofh hell on the 5th floor in orthopedic wing. Nurses are snotty, young and have many other things on their minds than caring for patients. I had a different nurse almost evey shift, but there was a few that came around again. Even after asking for my pain medication it was an hour late. With double knee replacement
an hour late was forever and inexcusable. There seems to be no older management staff that oversaw all the 25year olds that were inexperienced and thoughtless of what a patient needs. There were one or two that were outstanding in their duties as nurses, but Ive been there, stayed there, and only an emergency will get me back there. My problem is not with doctors or their surgeries, they are 5 stars, but make an effort to not ever have to stay on the fifth floor orthopedic area.Nurses are too young and inexperienced to be efficent.


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