4 years ago

Unable to manage appointments .... On 3/9/20 I hav...

Unable to manage appointments .... On 3/9/20 I have an appointment at 9.15 for the removal of the plaster from the leg, unloading with crutches for 22 days. I go to the check-in counters at 8.58 (I have the tickets with me ... that's why I'm precise). After checking in, they tell me that I have to go to the first floor to pay the ticket, after which I have to go back to the reception to get the ticket to go to the plaster removal room. First question: to put the cashier at check-in, right? Too complicated? With my nice crutches, I go to the first floor, pay and go back to the reception. At 9.20 am I present myself in front of the plaster removal room. The orthopedist (whose name I do not mention, but it is obviously written on the visit sheet) brings in a lady who had an appointment at 9.45 and who had checked in before me (both the progressive number of acceptance and the time appointment are indicated on the wall screen ...). I wonder: why did he let a patient in 20 minutes before his appointment? Thinking badly is almost never wrong ... I have my idea. Upon leaving the lady with an appointment at 9.45 am I ask the orthopedist: do you follow the acceptance number or the appointment time? He tells me: acceptance. I ask you: so paradoxically if I have an appointment in 2 days and I come today, will you let me enter the acceptance function? The orthopedist, annoyed, tells me to sit down to continue the visits. At that point a lady arrives with an appointment at 9.00 (note that it is now 9.30-9.40), obviously arrived late (you can see it from the acceptance number, 10 numbers after mine!).
They let her in (... but didn't they follow the order of acceptance?). In the meantime, another guy arrives, with an appointment at 9.00 (he arrived sensationally late! Acceptance about 15-20 numbers after me !!!). When the lady leaves, they let him in (it's 10.00 more or less). At that point I burst out. I stand in the door and say that I would not have moved: please call the police, the guards ... whoever you want, I do not move. The orthopedist also accuses me of being misogynistic: "if I had been a man you would have already moved!". This is not acceptable. Maybe if the orthopedist had not let the lady in at 9.20 with an appointment at 9.45 all this would not have happened ... At that point, another doctor or a head room, I don't know who she was, convinces me to wait. Finally by 10.17 am, more than an hour after the appointment time. Routine visit ... they didn't even have a sheet with the rehabilitation protocol. Too bad because the Pini is an excellence in Milan.


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