Vikas Sharma

3 years ago

Racial profiling at the airport:

Racial profiling at the airport:

I was on a business visit for only a few days when I had this bizarre experience. After immigration was completed with no issues, my colleague and I were at customs declaration.

We noticed something really strange that was happening, people who were Caucasian and Asian were allowed to pass through with no checks and others who were brown and black had to go through extra checks. I saw a black person with this indignant look at was happening, and then a south Asian family having had to open all their boxes that contained just food. I could relate to their annoyance. A very nice welcome to the country indeed.

For all your economic strength and influence - the Chinese government; how about having some class and refrain from trampling on human equality. We re just visitors and experiences like this will shed poorly on your so called developing country. Also, I m not sure whether this happens every other day; maybe you have Racist Sundays or something.

Of course I passed the checks and exited the airport, outraged at having the sort of experience you just read about or watch randomly on the internet.

One star for the kiosk where you must scan your biometrics I guess....


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