Alleana Knecht

4 years ago

i worked here and what it used to be isn t anymore...

i worked here and what it used to be isn t anymore. THE MANAGEMENT DOES NOT CARE about you or your issues at home. & they pick favorites and if you re a favorite you get away with more. unless you have a perfect and stable life you can t work here, i had trouble sometimes getting to work given the distance and some personal things, & i was told my personal problems/health issues is nothing but excuses to not be at work. i loved working and i loved the residents & having one of them tell me that they feel like the community doesn t care for their well being because they had medical issues that WERE NOT being tended to & i don t have the certification to diagnose or day like hey this person is having this issue all i could do was tell someone and wait for something to be done which always took ages because they aren t organized. i was let go because i had to many sick days within a 90 day period and because my car is too loud and disrupts the peace, And my situation I can t get tags on my car currently which is the only car I can drive so I can t Parkette on a public road in Denver or it will get towed or ticketed and giving I wasn t making enough I couldn t afford that if it happened so I was parking in the visitor spots close to the building and I have a turbo car that has a loud 45 second cold start when you start it but I would never deliberately rev my engine which is what they told HR which is what helped push to get me let off. I found somewhere better that pays me more in respects my life situation a lot better so I m not disappointed I got let off I m disappointed that when I got my belongings back half of them were missing and my cup and my pens were broken they didn t even care to put it in a box they put it in a plastic sack and expected nothing to happen to it and it s sad to see that so many people talk so good on a place that really is not that nice of a place I sat and talked with a lot of the residents because of Covid and they can t see families so I was always there to help keep company and to have a resident that I really cared for tell me that they re having issues that aren t being paid attention to and the fact I had to pointed out because they weren t being checked on enough during the day just goes to show what kind of community this is. I just honestly hope my words make a difference and nobody else has to go through what I went through and I m not the only employee who has had this happen to them there are a few previous others that have had the same situation happened so for the people saying that they care about your personal life and what s going on they really don t unless you ve been there for a long time unless they truly like you and you re perfect in their eyes I am still young and still learning and they could not understand that or keep that in mind at all but maybe they shouldn t hire people who have made it clear that their life isn t the best and isn t the most smoothest and sometimes I m gonna have bad days they care more about you being there and I understand it s important but my health and mentality is also just as important. so for anyone looking to place their family here or to work here I highly suggest against it unless you really really look into it. and for the people who think I am doing this just to do it I have all the evidence needed if you would like to contact me you re more than welcome to.

The staff is what keeps that place afloat and they are currently understaffed so it s harder for the staff to attend to everybody s needs in a timely manner because of this. and I understand great things take time and improvement takes time but based on the information I have they ve had a lot of time to improve and there hasn t been much improvement based on what I ve seen and heard. And regarding my belongings they could ve been civil and let me come grab my stuff that way it was insured that I got all of my stuff in one piece but no they couldn t allow that and they had to ship it to me not even in a box in a plastic sack


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