Nounou Mor

4 years ago

Slaughterhouse!! wearing professionally sent to on...

Slaughterhouse!! wearing professionally sent to one of Pasteur's most experienced departments. that's what I thought !! Tell you a dr cannot be cloned ex on vs advised AMORETTI was not going to take an appointment with his colleague eg TORRE wait 3 months to GET THE RV. PREVILIGATE FOR EXAMPLE EXPERIENCE PROFESSIONALISM HUMANISM.
lesson that I would share with everyone. The recording went wrong NO explanation. WHAT WOULD HAPPEN AFTER THAT ?! Trivia simple question basic! No ?! Answer: follow the red line. Question: then I ring the bell for an office or secretariat ?! would there be a secretary to answer my questions ?! Answer with a mocking air, inappropriate for this place, no they will come looking for you and they will explain to you before the cervical infiltration of 15 minutes minutes of explanations hihihi hahaha I haven't seen or heard anything elsewhere? : (The hour of my herniated infiltration (c5 c6 cervico brachial neuralgia) is approaching 25 minutes late, no worries, you wait at the end of the red line for a person to come out to bring you back to a corner and ask you to undress. Then ask doctor what would happen? you would not be at all !!!! Because you would be tied up by caregivers like a wild monster hands and feet tied I swear it to you, without perudral or anesthesia. Local I would have prefer to be considered an animal?; (I was with my dog at the veterinary clinic in Cannes, the next time I would ask for my admission there. (Professional and very experienced human doctors from the receptionist to the animal guardian.
I ask: Excuse me, are you going to scan me? Answer: 0 yes
Question: Please where is dr TORRE ??? Answer: It will happen. Question: After the scanner the infiltration will take place here or in another room ??? !! Answer: here, moreover, you will be infiltrated I see an eye on Dr TORRE's head, my face had been covered without him showing up with a green cloth, it was he who made the gesture .I was admitted to the clinics: belvedere, saint Georges and tzinck then the bow I have always had confidence in them job observed a serinity of seriousness, in the services of the secretary to the surgeon, respect admiration to these people were in appointment, I am 36 years old and I can tell you that I cried as I never cried in a hospital cm a PASTEUR I am very disappointed physical pain in addition to that irreversible moral one. During the infiltration rd TORRE tells me that it is painful and it will remain so for a minimum of a week and that I should not be worried! So I don't bother him by phone I imagineag then he me gives a work stoppage (wearing I am in AT) Prescription in my file?! that I claimed in tears (fatigue pain stress in addition alone in the hospital), I work in the catering in the kitchen an empty pan weighs 6 kilos not to mention the delivery boxes and the 250 place settings to be taken out in a single service. OPERATE ON 11/07 STOP UNTIL 12/07 HAHA troppo TARDITI, 48H turned into 12H, the 11th was included in my old AT but who am I talking to? 3 deaf! I should have taken my husband's advice and gone have my cervicals infiltrated in Italy at the PROs Everyone is talking about a more professional service, CORRECT JUST HUMAN HONEST and I WOULD PAY WITH A BIG SMILE. the MACRON government will blow up social security, aid and all public hospitals. Everyone is treated on their own ... I contribute for nothing.?!! when I need it is injustice towards the average employee ... I am a technician and proud to have the versatility and quzlites techniques intellectual and manual. must I thank you for having massacred me morally and physically with the stiff neck and my head tilted forward an unbearable pain and no medication is prescribed by the radiologist TORRE After my infiltration 0 prescription.SI. ...


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