
pedro dias

3 years ago

The most stupid entrance policy in any club I have...

The most stupid entrance policy in any club I have been in the last 50 years all over the world.

As I noticed that there was another access to the club for VIP RESERVATIONS I asked a french female friend of mine to phone them to make a VIP reservation, for Saturday, for a VIP travelling incognito and gave a forged name and false reason for the VIP status. Needless to say I entered without any problem and no questions asked.

Once inside I found that this club is completely xenophobic and homophobic and do not have the slighest idea how a club should be managed and function.

In the country of champagne the barmen had not the slightest knowledge of the best brands of champagne, and the club does not make them available.

The barmen had not a clue of how to prepare the simplest low alchool content cocktails.

I left less than an hour after entering what I expected to be a hell of a party as I found myself in a party in hell.

LGBT clients stay as far away as you can of this hell, specially if your not french, even if you speak fluent french like I do.


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