Samantha Meyers

4 years ago

Boston College has been a huge disappointment. Don...

Boston College has been a huge disappointment. Don't like the rankings fool you, this school is not worth your $70K a year. The only quality school with in Boston College is the business school, while the others lack any real merit. Being a student in both the school of arts & sciences, as well as the school of education, I have experience first hand how both of these schools lack proper faculty and class offerings. The advising system is horrible, I know too many people who have followed the advice of their advisors, who are meant to be trusted and be reliable sources of information, who have ended up in many class that do not count towards their major or graduation requirements. The class offerings are limited, even the elective offerings are great disappointments. I have many friends who are communications majors who's only elective offerings are courses related to gender. There are no offerings of classes that would be useful in the real world such as classes on public relations, advertising, event management, etc. In communication writing intensives students are to write a 25 page paper. In one class taught by Brett Ingram, he told the students he would only be reading the first 10 pages of their paper because he could not be bothered to read the entire thing. He should not be teaching a writing intensive if he can't be bothered to give his students the respect of reading the full paper. I wish I had positive things to say, but I hope future potential students read this and think twice before attending BC.


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