Chuu Li

4 years ago

So many conflicting feelings about this place.

So many conflicting feelings about this place.

I've been coming here since I was I was in high school. They know me, know my teeth, and have great hours (early mornings, later hours, and open on Saturdays). Their dental hygienists are usually very nice and my dentist has forgotten about the time I accidentally bit him when he was trying to take dental impressions. But, unfortunately, that's where the nice things end.

No matter how early or on time I am, I am always left waiting to be seen by a dental hygienist or waiting for them to return to my room after being seated in the chair (wait time I usually experience is about 20-30 minutes, no matter what time I arrive). On one occasion, I arrived for two fillings, which of course didn't start on time. Towards the second half of the appointment, Dentist realizes that he's running out of time (before another appointment?) and rushes to complete the second filling, in half the time that it took to do first one. So either he did a rush job on my second tooth or I could have been out of there sooner...

And their scheduling... With the exception of my 6 month appointments, every other scheduling experience is hit or miss. We agree on a date/time - they call and tell me that an earlier date/time is available - I call back for that earlier slot - they call back later and tell me that actually the slot is not available - I end up with my original date/time.

Billing - on a couple occasions, I've been told that I owed an additional fee, which I was not aware of, or that they overcharged me last time, so that I don't owe as much this time. I hope they improve this, soon.


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