Luna Lavender

4 years ago

If I could give this less than 1 star, I would. So...

If I could give this less than 1 star, I would. So here I am sitting here at around 2am, writing this review, I've finally had enough, sad considering we just had our son admitted a few hours ago. My husband left 3 of his heart meds out so he could take them, went to get some water and allowed our 15 month old son to possibly get a hold of 2 pills. I say possibly because even though we couldn't find the 2 missing pills in a brief search, every vital sign they have done has come back fine and I watch the monitor constantly to make sure. So we get here at about 240 in the afternoon, shortly after the incident it's a bit of a drive for us, we are taken to the er room and spend the next few hours there, up till about 9. Service was great considering I've been before with rude dismissive staff. Everybody made an effort to keep the baby smiling and happy, Anyways. Fast forward to 9, the pediatrician icu people seem nice, until it's time for us to sleep. See I was informed that they would have been keeping us till 12 and then letting us go, but instead they would keep us over night so we wouldn't have to drive home with us all being cranky and tired, seems like a good idea so I agree. I was also informed that they would be watching his vitals at the desk and wouldn't disturb us, just lay eyes on our son every two hours. Well, we went to bed at 1030 It's 230 and I swear I have been woken up at least 8 times. The nurses names are Denise & Sydney, both keeps coming in to tell me things they forgot to mention and making demands at late hours. They do not care if I get any sleep or my son does for that matter, I even asked if we were going to keep being woken up and they told me yea because they are concerned about my son's Health, like I'm not, but it's the middle of the damn night and my son is fine. Since we have gotten here his vitals have been great, he's pooping and peeping like normal, breastfeeding fine, & all of the doctors say he's fine & his blood work came back FINE. So heres those requests they are making and the things they have woken me up for, "is all he's had tonight is the silk milk, he might be thirsty we don't want him dehydrated" my son breastfeeds all night he's not dehydrated and the last thing I'm giving him in the middle of the night is damn chocolate milk or juice, "how many diapers has he wet since he's been here" 1, he also pooped in one where he probably peed more to be she didn't want to hear that, "oh btw, we don't believe you when you say he's peepng fine, we want to see his wet diaper... now." She didn't word it that way she made it sound professional but it's the same thing, I haven't changed my son's diaper in the middle of the night since he was 5 months old, I get my husband to get me a diaper and a wipe and I change my son while he's breastfeeding in my lap to try to keep him asleep, oh and btw, my husband's asleep on the floor, they never disturb him, and I get attitude because I did (but that's irrelevant right now), I've also been woken because she thought the baby might want water, wondering why he woke up screaming (really? That's a commen occurance every night, he gets boob and goes back to sleep ) and last but not least for his blood pressure, which btw is what woke him up from it tightening, ok I get it if you need to take it again, but don't wake us up just for that, especially when one time she forcibly held my son's arms down, if she would have left him alone to breastfeed he would have been calm and not moved. I've honestly had it with this hospital, it's nearing 3am as I finish texting this, 3 hours past 12, when he was declared ok to be released, if I didn't think I'd be starting numerous arguments and more stress than me or my son need I'd be discharging my son and leaving right now. Never have I ever felt this compelled to share an experience and write a review like this.
OH! And I forgot to add, she woke Both my son and myself up to say happy happy Easter, tried to give my son a toy bunny to play with. I said thank you and she said it's for the baby, like I didn't know...


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