Goodle User
Review of SCSU TV Club

4 years ago

This review is in regards to Heidi Aldes, a staff ...

This review is in regards to Heidi Aldes, a staff member of SCSU.

During her time as the Interim Director of LGBT Resources, she had a history of harassment and discrimination against some volunteers. She has a long history of racism, transphobia, ableism, and serophobia. She is okay with such people who are above her, but she will slaughter anyone who is below her.

There were several people of color who entered the office to express interest in volunteering. She harassed them continually to scare them away. There were also other volunteers who tried to team up with Multicultural Services to do events. She refused every time. She said many times that she had contacted them, but she lied.

Heidi also ridiculed an autistic individual who volunteered there. This individual had many years of experience as an activist, but that did not matter to Heidi. She constantly ignored this individual, treated him like he is incompetent, and harassed him to the point of severing all ties with LGBT Resources.

Heidi also actively excluded transgender people from certain events. For example, she said that transgender people are not allowed to sit on stage on Guess the Straight Person. She said it was because she did not want to confuse the audience members, but her overall mistreatment of transgender people says otherwise.

There was also a volunteer who had built coalitions between an on-campus HIV organization before Heidi was Interim Director. One of the first things she did upon being hired for that position was to sever the ties. One individual whom she perceived as HIV positive was harassed by Heidi. She refused to be anywhere near this individual in fear that she would catch HIV.

In addition, anybody who disagrees with Heidi Aldes on anything gets yelled at by her. The belief can be something as simple as red vs. orange. It got to the point to where people were afraid to speak their opinions to her. They also had to pretend to always agree with her. They feared getting screamed at and judged if they did otherwise. This is not how to treat anybody!

I write this review because Heidi Aldes has been hired to teach classes on campus. I find it appalling that someone as low as her is still working on campus. I hope that many people read this review and spread the word about her. I also hope people above her read this and take proper action. Firing her would be the best thing to do. This will avoid other students being harassed and facing discrimination from her.

If it wasn't for Heidi, I would be rating this school 5 stars.


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