Koray Akduman

4 years ago

Food: 5/5

Food: 5/5

hundreds of varieties of deserts, there were no "classic" desert options, such as plain vanilla or chocolate cake. The ice cream stand also only had two options: vanilla or chocolate. I submitted photos of a large portion of the food choices and they should be attached to this review.

Room Service: 4/5
We called for an extra blanket the first night that we stayed at the hotel. The blanket arrived, but it took around an hour for it to arrive after calling the hotel's "anytime" support hotline.

Staff Friendliness: 5/5
The staff team was helpful. No complaints here.

WiFi: 4/5
WiFi speeds were relatively fast. I could not watch 1080p videos, but 480p and 720p usually worked fine. While speed was not a problem, reliability was. My device would disconnect close to the elevators and at the Beach Restaurant.

Location: 5/5
The hotel was built next to a sandy beach. The water was very murky as a result. When combined with a few large rocks at the bottom of the sea floor, it was easy to cut your foot on a rock that you could not see as a result. However, the water always seemed to be warm regardless of the outside temperature, which was more than enough to make up for the cloudy water. The hotel rooms were a 3 minute walk from the ocean, which was a pretty considerable distance and should be a factor if an elderly or disabled person plans to stay at the hotel.

Entertainment: 5/5
Each day presented a different form of entertainment, including water jetpacks and live music.

Rooms: 5/5

Of course, every hotel has its disadvantages. This hotel's disadvantages revolved primarily around unjustified policies designed to take advantage of desperate guests. First, the hotel did not allow any food to leave the dining areas. This included taking a small pastry from the Beach Restaurant or a slice of pizza from the main restaurant with or without a plate. While it was not too much of a problem for me, I can easily see this being a large issue for people who are too sick or tired to leave their room for food. The hotel offers food brought to the room, but it has a large price tag. The same food served in the restaurant for free is 10 euros brought to the room. Second, the hotel had outrageous prices for washing clothing. At the time of writing this review, it costs 4 euros to wash a single pair of socks or underwear, and it costs 6 euros to wash a single t-shirt. Most guests do not have access to an alternative cleaning method, so they are required to pay the fees to have their clothes washed.

Overall: 5/5
The hotel's excellent rooms, food options, and beach adequately compensated for its ridiculous policies that took advantage of its guests. These policies could outweigh the benefits for some people, but I was largely unaffected by them and decided to give the hotel 5 stars as a result.


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