Sherry Rutledge

4 years ago

Brought my family of seven to Branson Thursday & w...

Brought my family of seven to Branson Thursday & we just left today. We loved the town & attractions, even got some tattoos at Riggs (they were awesome artists). However...our stay at the RADISSON was an absolute horror story. Myself, my husband & daughter stayed in one room on the 7th floor & my other daughter, her husband & three year old child, along with my son stayed in a different room on the 7th floor. The first night was ok, except the beds seemed awfully uncomfortable & smaller than what was advertised & so my son-in-law requested another room the next day. That was a huge mistake. The next morning they woke up with whelps all over their bodies & we soon realized it was BED BUGS. We took pictures of the mattresses, the stains, the eggs, the bugs & the bites & presented it to the RADISSON Hotel Staff & they told us they thought the bites appeared to be mosquito bites, but then went ahead & offered them a different room, with complimentary heating service of their clothes, but without a refund. We ask that someone please meet us in the new room to inspect it. Upon briefly looking over the room during the day, we didn t see any bugs or initial problems with it, so they allowed the staff to bring their bags to this room after being heat treated. My kids never unpacked their bags in this room because we had made plans to get out of the rooms for awhile. Later that evening my son had went back to the hotel while a few of us went to get tattoos. He called frantically saying we needed to get out of the hotel because another bedbug was crawling on the wall by the headboard. We went back, this time collecting the bed bug in a clear cup with lid & took it to the front desk. Again, we were told they couldn t determine what kind of bug it was, but offered them another room. They told us the Hotel GM would be there the next day so we could talk to him, & in the meantime gave us some breakfast coupons. We gathered their bags and headed to the next room. Upon arrival, the kids thoroughly inspected the room, it appeared clean. But, we soon found out the ac/heater thermostat was broken & the room was way too uncomfortable to sleep in. So back to the front desk...By this time, it s midnight & everyone was exhausted & just wanted to go home, but it was a six hour drive for us. They gave them yet another room & we were off again.. Today was our check-out & so our entire family went to the lobby to have a discussion with the GM. But, the GM wasn t there. So we explained our experience once again to the staff & were told once again that they couldn t determine which specific bugs they were & they weren t sure that we didn t bring them in.
So disgusting & unprofessional. So here I am, letting you all know what hell we went through, not only will we never stay in a RADISSON again, we most likely will never come back to Branson. I will be contacting the Branson Health Department Monday morning & calling the corporate office. Don t waste your money or put your family at risk by visiting this hotel. We have pictures to show/share.


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