Mrs. Losand

4 years ago

I don't even know where to begin. The whole exper...

I don't even know where to begin. The whole experience for my poor daughter who went to this horrid place to have her baby was a total nightmare. First of all the rent a cop at the front desk was clueless. Then the nurse at the front desk of L&D was rude and asked my daughter what she needed, really? My daughter was obviously there to have a baby. Then she told her to have a seat in the main lobby, where she waited for at least 30 minutes, where a ghetto family with about a dozen annoying screaming kids were also waiting. When she was finally in triage, one of the nurses proceeded to draw blood and hurt my daughter so badly, she thought she was going to faint. Then my daughter felt a gush of fluid and told the same incompetent nurse who said it was probably just pee and didn't bother to check. They were actually going to send her home but my daughter and son-in-law smelled the fluid themselves and confirmed it was not urine. Up to this point the whole staff was rude and seemed to have no compassion. Once she was taken to her room, the two nurses she had, I have to say were both very nice. Unfortunately, after their shift was over, a new moron came on. After my daughter received an epidural, this idiot inserted a catheter because she said she had to empty her bladder. My daughter screamed in agony but she had no sympathy or compassion. What happened to bed pans? Apparently, there were a total of 4 urinary catheters that my daughter had inserted with in a 24 hour period, that we were not aware of. I even heard a couple of nurses tell my daughter throughout her stay that she was most definitely going to get a UTI. The nurse was very inconsiderate, giggled and made stupid comments about not being able to find the doctor, who by the way, when he did come, was the only competent and professional individual in the room. Unfortunately, after 25 hours of labor and an unsuccessful attempt to deliver the baby with the vacuum, Dr. Guile decided there was no other choice but to deliver the baby via C-section, which by the way, he did a fabulous job. He explained everything throughout the procedure, which put us at ease. During my daughter's stay in the maternity unit, there were maybe 3 or 4 nurses who were excellent at their jobs. They were very caring, helpful and accommodating to the needs of my daughter and my grandson. However, I can only recall the name of two, Rosalie and Susan. The others were obviously there just to earn a pay check. Another annoying thing was when the housekeeper came in. We thought she was just going to empty the trash cans or restock the paper but she started moping the floors and practically our feet. The four days that my daughter spent there seemed more like an eternity. Over all the experience at Sutter Medical, with the exception of a handful of staff members, was a very disappointing one. I would never want any of my loved ones to ever be hospitalized there. It may look really fancy and modern but obviously looks are deceiving. By the way, two weeks after my daughter was home, she developed a fever and chills. It turned out she did develop a UTI. This is a never event, and I should have known better since I work in infection control. Why was she not prescribed antibiotics at the time of discharge if she had been guaranteed to get a UTI? I can only thank God for giving my daughter the strength to get through it and that she and my new grandson are home and healthy.


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