Riley Hatfield

3 years ago

I was in yesterday for a beer and was absolutely d...

I was in yesterday for a beer and was absolutely disgusted by how the bartender treated one of the customers. She looked older than 30, blonde and had a resting "i dont care about you" face. She was very clearly and loudly making fun of and belittling a man who had some sort of mental disability. Continuously saying outloud in an outdoor voice that " i was told i dont have to serve him" as well as comments like " are you waving at me! Didnt think so" and " i might lose my job today"... The way she was bullying this man, laughing at him to the other customers, and infront of a fellow associate of hers was diagusting. For the other employee to sit threre and laugh and smile made me feel like everyone that works there doesnt care. It is too bad because i have always loved every other experience. I can promise i will never return if she is working. I am disgusted of her actions and hope she recieves punishment. For when you are about to pay the tab of the person being bullied, there is a major issue. Absolutely despicable. Side note. Teach the bar managers that when they go to give someone a reciept that crumpling it up and giving it to them that way is disrespectful and makes me sick to my stomach. No one deserves to be treated that way. She is a horrible person and i hope she gets a serious punishment or fired.


A paying customer.


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