Hope Somers

5 years ago

The staff could ve done better on Lincoln Unit

The staff could ve done better on Lincoln Unit
I was admitted in March because I tried to take my life and after waiting over a week to get in I was very anxious since it had been my first time in a psychiatric facility and I was transferred at MIDNIGHT like why so late. The 2nd day being in there I asked to have a snack that wasn t at snack time cause I didn t eat breakfast and my stomach was hurting cuz I didn t eat and a staff member screamed at me saying SNACK TIME IS AT THIS TIME AND THIS TIME and I get panic attacks when adults yell at me, and I so I was balling my eyes out for 2 hours because I was terrified of getting screamed at again and I was shaking. Later on my stay I started to feel unsafe and didn t feel safe in my room so I sat in the day room crying because I wanted to die and hurt myself and a nurse told me to go to my room but I explained that I didn t feel safe being in my room and he told me to use coping skills but I said I didn t have any and so he huffed and told me to go to my room anyways so that gave me the impression that he didn t care which gave me another panic attack because I tried to die because I thought no one cared about me and it hurt me a lot and when they told me I had to leave I told my doctor I didn t feel safe going home and he told me I m getting discharged in 2 days and when I went home that day I hurt myself because I wasn t feeling safe in the first place and so that was on them.


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