Coen Dijkhuizen

3 years ago

Carbon monoxide rejected Property on my paste, 14 ...

Carbon monoxide rejected Property on my paste, 14 Years in danger, ..
Entering my house, with letter full of false mistakes three men strong, with the new May 5 Committee, who have paid, .. and now my Living is put out for that already 8 years last hab of mold?!?
Very unhealthy, .. and still making out for NAZI last Rect session the new May 5 Committee?!?
With such a Jack?!?
Got to hear in Berlin from 4 Nazi skins with German Vriedin "YOU WILL BURN IN THE HELL"?!?
Says about the new May 5 Committee, ..
Judische Loket rechtspraak?!?
And Mr. J. Janmaat wants to come and talk now, does he have a time machine, where was he on 6 Jan 2016, .. excuse letter from the two community police officers?!?
Judgment, thanks for the two sponsorship of full-sounding, .. :)


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