4 years ago

I am a world traveller , and CEO of large Company....

I am a world traveller , and CEO of large Company. I was booked here by my secretary and checked out and moved hotels. The room I was given was an upgrade, and on the high floor. Walked into the room and immediately walked out due to the strong smell of mold. Very dangerous to stay in a mouldy room. Requested a move, the next room smelt so bad in the evening of raw sewer, I became very sick and then asked to check out due to this extremely bad sickness. Here is where it bacame interesting, the counter staff refused to offer any money back and the assistant manager would not even listen, so I demanded to see the Hotel Manager The Manager did appear and would not entertain our request for 2 nights refund, since I was booked for four nights.
I then handed the Assistant Manager my business card and all things changed.

And only then, charged for two nights.
I don't care who you are, even if you have booked a basic room, you as a Guest should be treated fairly.
Ramada, you need to review your practice to your Guests as excellence is the rule in Hospitality.


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