3 years ago

I thought the Women s Clinic would be a step above...

I thought the Women s Clinic would be a step above the rest of the hospital when it came to competence but I was wrong. Every time I have a phone appt, a nurse will call me the day before to confirm and ask a bunch of weird questions. Each and every time I ve had to explain and remind them that they needed to call a certain number depending on my schedule for that week. Every time I ask them what number they should be calling, it s they say the wrong one MULTIPLE times despite them saying they made a note of the right one. I ve missed two appts now because they have FAILED to take note on what number they are supposed to be calling.

When I call the office to explain that I was expecting a call, I get told I need to reschedule because I missed it. The incompetence runs rampant in this hospital and it s a shame that this is what our veterans have to deal with.


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